Project Description :
In this project employee can register himself/herself and login to start the job.Hours of job and accordingly wages can be calculated.It also consist of admin set up,which consist of records of all the employees. New quotes can be added which will be linked to particular employee.

Objectives :
Objective of project is to provide services to clean the snow,Spring cleaning,lawn maintenance,gardening,fall clean,Trimming,Turf Program.

Challenges :
1) Application developed in MVC using entity framework 5.
2)Application has browser compatibility, as it should be work on all latest version of all browser
3)Getting API’s for Facebook and Twitter and Broadcast application message on social media.

Solution :
This is developed using multi-layer architecture and composite of client server solution & web architecture.

Technology Specifications :
1) Microsoft .Net Framework 3.5
2) Microsoft SQL Server 2012
3)Asp.Net MVC 4