Project Description :
This is cordova based application related to car parking details. Here user can search for parking zone near to the given input. List of parking details get displays according to the given area name. User can select one of the parking and through google api it navigates to the selected parking from the user current location. There is also profile account that track and display some analysis on parking behavior. User can create an account to keep track of his spending, time parked etc, also allow notifications about his parking situation like move its time to move the car, how long he has parked the car, how far walking distance he is to the car etc. User can update his profile image, name, address, phone, etc

Objectives :
Make parking easy by getting nearest parking locations with cost and other details

Technology Specifications :
1) node.js
2) Cordova
3) express.js
4) mongodB(noSQL)
5) Google APIs
6) grunt